Monday, October 13, 2008

It's been awhile......

And, it's going to be a bit longer. I would like to post, but the vote is on so... Go out and vote. And, read a blog about the voter experience - check out Scratching Words in the Dirt or Open Veins. New York voting experience. I'm going to take one from the "Four Evey Day" Blog for my voting experience. Let's see if I can do this in four sentences.

Got up at 6:30, put on my coat with PJ's still on and went across the street to my polling place, but found the line to be longer than most lines I would wait in for peak concert tickets. Went back home, got ready for work and then ventured out again to find it just as long, but excited as I was, said screw it and got in line and listened to music, read my book and played some Tetris and was given a free Monster drink from some promotional people passing them out. Over an hour later, I was met by beaming tired faces showing me the way to where I would place my vote. After a few moments and getting re-acquainted with the voting machine itself (seeing that during the primaries, I found myself on paper ballot due to the fact that they had lost my registration along with 100s that day) I voted and walked back out into the sunshine, head held high and feeling mighty good about being an American.

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